home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- 1 4 70TProprietor (1=You, 2=Spouse) ==>
- 1 6 40TA. Principal business [09]. ==>
- 1 7 40TB. Business code [14]. ==>
- 1 9 40TC. Business name [14]. ==>
- 110 70TBusiness address [11]. ==>
- 112 40TD. Employer ID Number [09]. ==>
- 114 40TE. Method used to value closing inventory [09]. ==>
- 115 90T(1=Cost, 2=Lower of cost/mkt, 3=Other)
- 117 40TF. Accounting method [30]. ==>
- 118 90T(1=Cash, 2=Accrual, 3=Other)
- 120 40TG. Any change in inventory valuation method? (Y/N) ==>
- 122 40TH. Deducting expenses for office in home? (Y/N) ... ==>
- 1 4410BN 1 EE
- 1 6410AN20
- 1 7410IN 4
- 1 9410AN30
- 110410AN30
- 112410AN11 P4
- 114610BN 1 DE
- 117610BN 1 DE
- 120610YN 1
- 122610YN 1
- 2 6 30T1a Gross receipts or sales [26]. 1a ==>
- 2 7 30T1b Less returns and allowances [22]. 1b ==>
- 2 8 30T1c Subtract 1b from 1a [30]. 1c ==>C
- 210 30T2a Inventory at beginning of year [19]. 2a ==>
- 211 30T2b Purchases less cost of items for personal use .... 2b ==>
- 212 30T2c Cost of labor [36]. 2c ==>
- 213 30T2d Materials and supplies [27]. 2d ==>
- 214 30T2e Other costs (list) [31]. 2e ==>
- 215 30T2f Add lines 2a through 2e [26]. 2f ==>C
- 216 30T2g Inventory at end of year [25]. 2g ==>
- 217 30T2. Cost of goods sold and/or operations (2f - 2g) ... 2 ==>C
- 219 30T3. Gross profit [37]. 3 ==>C
- 220 30T4a Windfall Profit Tax Credit or Refund [13]. 4a ==>
- 221 30T4b Other income (list) [30]. 4b ==>
- 222 30T5. Gross income [37]. 5 ==>C
- 2 6670$N10141a
- 2 7670$N10141b
- 2 8670$Y10
- 210670$N10142a
- 211670$N10142b
- 212670$N10142c
- 213670$N10142d
- 214670$N10142e
- 215670$Y10
- 216670$N10142g
- 217670$Y10
- 219670$Y10
- 220670$N10
- 221670$N10144b
- 222670$Y10
- 3 6 40T6. Advertising [37]. 6 ==>
- 3 7 40T7. Bad debts [39]. 7 ==>
- 3 8 40T8. Bank service charges [28]. 8 ==>
- 3 9 40T9. Car and truck expenses [26]. 9 ==>
- 310 30T10. Commissions [37]. 10 ==>
- 311 30T11. Depletion [39]. 11 ==>
- 312 30T12. Depreciation and Sec. 179 expenses (4562) [07]. 12 ==>*
- 313 30T13. Dues and publications [27]. 13 ==>
- 314 30T14. Employee benefit programs [23]. 14 ==>
- 315 30T15. Freight not included in COGS [20]. 15 ==>
- 316 30T16. Insurance [39]. 16 ==>
- 317 30T17. Laundry and cleaning [28]. 17 ==>
- 318 30T18. Legal and professional services [17]. 18 ==>
- 319 30T19. Mortage paid to financial institution [11]. 19 ==>
- 320 30T20. Office expenses [33]. 20 ==>
- 321 30T21. Other interest [34]. 21 ==>
- 3 6670$N10146
- 3 7670$N10147
- 3 8670$N10148
- 3 9670$N10149
- 310670$N101410
- 311670$N101411
- 312670$N10 312
- 313670$N101413
- 314670$N101414
- 315670$N101415
- 316670$N101416
- 317670$N101417
- 318670$N101418
- 319670$N101419
- 320670$N101420
- 321670$N101421
- 4 6 30T22. Pension and profit sharing plans [15]. 22 ==>
- 4 7 30T23. Rent on business property [22]. 23 ==>
- 4 8 30T24. Repairs [40]. 24 ==>
- 4 9 30T25. Supplies not included in COGS [18]. 25 ==>
- 410 30T26. Taxes [42]. 26 ==>
- 411 30T27. Travel and entertainment [23]. 27 ==>
- 412 30T28. Utilities and telephone [24]. 28 ==>
- 413 30T29a Wages [42]. 29a ==>
- 414 30T29b Jobs credit [36]. 29b ==>
- 415 30T29c Subtract 29b from 29a [26]. 29c ==>C
- 416 30T30. Windfall Profit Tax [28]. 30 ==>
- 417 30T31. Other expenses (list) [26]. 31 ==>
- 418 30T32. Total deductions [31]. 32 ==>C
- 419 30T33. Net profit or loss [29]. 33 ==>C
- 420 30T34. If line 33 is a loss, did you have amounts for
- 421 30T which you were not at risk in this business? (Y/N) ===>
- 4 6670$N101422
- 4 7670$N101423
- 4 8670$N101424
- 4 9670$N101425
- 410670$N101426
- 411670$N101427
- 412670$N101428
- 413670$N101429a
- 414670$N101429b
- 415670$Y10
- 416670$N101430
- 417670$N101431
- 418670$Y10
- 419670$Y10
- 421670YN 1